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Thursday 31 December 2009

Egypt's geographical location is unparalleled

Egypt's position that the graceful, elegant and sought after by both settlers tried to occupy many of Egypt because it lies between two major continents, Africa, Asia and continental Europe met in the north and overlooking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean and those are the kings of maritime trade in the world but the Egyptian port of the Nile Basin, which extends to the great Among Africa and helped Egypt's position in the transfer of cultures from other countries and exchange of art and industry And Egypt are considered the best geographical location in the world.

happy new year 2010

Message to all the world, and especially congratulate the Egyptians by 2010, and everyone must overcome the mistakes of the past and work to reform the society in the new year and attempt to impose the pros and cons and the problems of Egypt had always sought to progress in all areas, and little interaction between people and government and the Pharaohs are coming without a doubt a happy new year Everyone to the meeting

Egypt's climate the best climate in the world

Since the human creature and Egypt has the landscape configurations that help them be the best in the world and the climate of Egypt had a significant effect in human life and the mild climate of Egypt sunshine and clear skies, no winds and storm Balsaknh It also has air heat exposure did not moderate the south and north bitter cold all of this has helped the On human activity and progress of the climate of Egypt is an important feature in the case of drought Dry climate of Egypt helped the Egyptians to increase their endurance and effort, as well as the different chapters in the heat of Egypt helped the diversity of agricultural yields, led to the prosperity and increase the national income for Egyptians.

Monday 28 December 2009

Part 1 of the issue of Egypt and Algeria

Message to all sports fans in the world is no doubt that the whole world saw what happened between Egypt and Algeria in World Cup qualifiers and taught us the spirit of sport beautiful sport and all sports competitions, whether football or other with love and enjoy what I did, but the beginning of the game between Algeria, Egypt and Algeria in the first Algeria and the inconvenience of the players in Egypt in the hotel until the morning by some of the masses of Algeria, said that Egypt midfielder Wael Gomaa did not see sleep until after 5 am and also is toxic to eat Couscous Fortunately, I do not eat Couscous all players and of course after all those circumstances, won Algeria 3-1 and can not forget the missiles during the match from the masses of Algeria and recalled goalkeeper Against Egypt Essam elhadry while standing in the match could not be Rouet pitch because of the many rocket and this is contrary to the decision by FIFA FIFA has imposed a financial penalty on Algeria and I do not think that this punishment enough points deduction is the right and finally to this campaign to defend the right of Egypt's failure to reach the World Cup, but I appeal to human rights, including Algeria and done I will seek to establish the right of Egypt to the world and to meet in Part 2 and the issue of Egypt and Algeria .

Why blog Pharaohs are coming

Pharaohs are coming blog is designed to make fun and make the most continental limits of the information that we give to Egypt and we have several objectives .
1 - know the history of Egypt, especially that Egypt is out of date was the first country in the world-day pharaoh .
2 - Egypt has a climate of enormous geographic
3 - Egypt, one of the most important Arab countries, but is the mother of the world
4 - the last reasons to learn the importance Egypt and either provided by those code
1 - History of Egypt
2 - Egypt Online sports team, especially since Egypt African champions
3 - News Egypt's foreign policy and domestic
4- News art without putting any pictures or Vdehoat contrary to modesty
5 - News of the Egyptian society and the Egyptian people beautiful
6 - Finally some news of Europe and other things

Hello you are coming in the Code of Pharaohs

The idea of a code Pharaohs are coming new service provided to all Egyptian and every foreigner who wants to know the civilization of Egypt and tell the political, artistic, sporting and other news and you will learn with us about the Egyptian character, and the superiority of the Egyptian in the world in several areas involved with us and I know the date of News and Egypt.

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